Thursday, February 02, 2006

Howsit okes!!

Hey there Y'all

I decided to give this blog business another go, okay?! I know that I'm gonna forget my address and password and what-not by the time I finish this post, but what the hell... it's helping me pass time! Granted, I have a TON of things I should probably be doing right now, but none of those are particularly appealing right now. So here I am typing something that I will a) probably never revisit and b) nobody will ever see! Daijou bu, ne?!

Okay, brus, that's me signing off (for now)...




Steph said...

thanks for your commentO.
love the elephantus pic. my fave animal yo. v cute!
i also cannot wait to see the play! i am thinking either the nagaoka show or joetsu now... but will decide after the conference in Yokohama.
anyway, good to be in touch with miss tessa again... tiheheh


Satyne said...

I thought y'all were leaving tonight? Well then... have a good trip... cya when ya get back sometime! Thanx for posting man!

And yeah Steph, hope to see you at one of those shows man, you're missing out (gotta publicise y'know?!)... ta for the post!! We gotta be sure our blogs take off, ne?! Although yours is a lot more colourful, with tons more piccies than mine!!

Betenoir said...

um. why do we have to call you tessa. I'm confused. *whimper*

cool start on the blog tho.
are you recontracting?
