Friday, February 03, 2006

Getting up in the morning is a bitch!

I hate winter, I really do!! I can't think of anything I absolutely despise more (cept child and animal abusers of course)... I hate waking up in the morning and KNOWING that I'm gonna be attacked by the icy cold the second I get up! I have never been this reluctant to get up and face the day... I lay awake for nearly half an hour before I actually summon up the guts crawl out from under the warm and cosy covers... and in that half an hour, I find myself thinking of the craziest excuses to just NOT go to work!! But in the end, I always succumb to the inevitable and drag m'cold butt outta bed!
I suppose it would be better if I did not sleep in the altogether, getting up wouldn't be as traumatic... I just can't bring m'self to wear layers of clothes to bed. Even a t-shirt is too much!! It gets all twisty and uncomfortable! I don't know how the rest of you do it?!
Anyway, I came to school in a cranky kinda mood this morning... so I hid out in the English Room for a while.
My class was cool... the kids were sweet and listened for a change! Nice and genki too, despite the icy weather! Hopefully they now all have a clearer idea of "what they want to be in the future"!! And hopefully there'll be the barest minimum of hairdressers and bakers in the lot!

Cheerio!! It's nearly time to go home now!!


Betenoir said...

you get to nap at school?

You have AN ENGLISH ROOM!?!.
I feel no sympathy for you at all!


Anonymous said...

hey tash! found ur, you write exactly like you talk, love it!

and have AN ENGLISH ROOM and get to NAP?!?

No sympathy from me either.

Satyne said...

Such jealousy! It's tragic really!! I such you girls get motivated and find a spot to nap if you don't have an English Room to do so in!!

I can't help it if you have cheapskate schools!!
