Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I kept feeling these tremors, which I dismissed as my imagination playing tricks on me. But twice now it's been so strong that I could even hear my flat creaking slightly - so I KNEW it wasn't my imagination... however, after a few wicked flashbacks to October 2004 and the "Big Niigata Jishin", I've come to realise that the frikking trains are making my flat sway... and the two so-called Big Ones?! Freight trains... I feel rather stupid now (*sulk*).

1 comment:

MartinMc said...

Mate, that's bad news if your flat sways cos of traffic/trains. So long as you can sleep, hopefully you'll get used to it in a while. Then it'll be no problem, unless you invite people round and the vibrations scare them instead!