Thursday, May 17, 2007

Exams suck for ALTs as well as students!!

Wow. Today is painfully boring. I hate exam time.

On a positive note (I've decided that from now on I will counteract all negative thoughts with positive ones - that way the negativity won't poison my emotional well-being. Profound, huh?!), uh... hmm, this is kind of difficult! Positive thought, positive thought, okay... weather (rainy and grey. Ick), friends (quiet as church mice today), appearance (meh). Okay wait, I think I have it... a positive thought... just FOUR MORE HOURS before I get to go home.

Gee, that sounded a lot better in my head than it looks written down! Siiiiiighhhhhhhh...


Johanna said... posts please! :P

Get off that there Facebook where you always are and start paying more attention to the 'ol blog....yeah!

-x- J

Satyne said...

Okay, Johanna!! Gomen ne... will update soon!
