Sunday, February 11, 2007

State of the Nation

So the president gave his State of the Nation address at the opening of Parliament on the 09 February.

Now as any South African will tell you, the nation is not in a great state at all! The main thing the people of South Africa were interested in was how strong a statement he would make against the violent crime in the country. Would he even acknowledge how very huge the problem is?!

A complete transcript of Mr. Mbeki's speech to be found here for anyone interested in reading it! A sample:
"Certainly, we cannot erase that which is ugly and repulsive and claim the happiness that comes with freedom if communities live in fear, closeted behind walls and barbed wire, ever anxious in their houses, on the streets and on our roads, unable freely to enjoy our public spaces. Obviously, we must continue and further intensify the struggle against crime."
Well duh...
A report on his speech here if you want to skip the long-windedness and get down to the chase.

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