Monday, April 02, 2007

I really hate...

... any school vacations. It's soooooooooo boring being an ALT when there are no students around to be entertained by unique clownish ways!! Sighhh.

Oh well, at least I had a bit of a minibreak last month. I went to visit my good friend, Cindy, on her little island of Shodoshima in Kagawa ken, which is situated in Shikoku. Gorgeous place. Shodoshima has a lovely Mediterranean climate! The weather is mild enough to grow olives! In fact, that's their "thing". You know that "thing" you have to find that defines any little town in Japan?! Shodoshima is famous for its olives! I visited the Olive Gardens and bought a whole ton of olive products! Some olive chocolates for the staffroom (as you can imagine, that was really well-received! The weirder the omiyage the better. What can I say?! I give kewl omiyage!)...

As I am typing this at school I don't have access to my pics! But rest assured, those will soon follow.


Jenny said...

I hate working during school vacations too. It's so ... lonely!


Johanna said...


Be gone those little munchkins....Muahahhaha