Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I do so love the FIFA World Cup, if I was back home I'd know when every game would be televised, team stats and who the hottest players are (yes am talking bums and thighs - not ACTUAL talent here! All very superficial, you understand)...

But, alas, I have no team to support this year. I shall now wait and see which team has the best looking players (it's the only fair way to choose) and take it from there. I do have a soft spot for Japan even though they probably won't advance after last night's traumatic match vs the Aussies (3 goals in 8 minutes, who the hell would have thought it?!). And America vs the Czechs = great result! Nice one, Czechs!

Anyway, according to a Synovate survey, South Africa is craziest about the World Cup, despite not having a team in the finals (damn that Bafana Bafana!!! How embarrassing) - with South Africans being most likely to "rearrange their day in order to watch the World Cup games; use the World Cup as an excuse to avoid their household chores; and call in sick at work in order to watch matches during working hours". Yup, that sounds like home alright! They probably surveyed Capetonians (HAH!) - we're not really known to let work get in the way of our personal lives. Also, 51% of the South African women interviewed, have out and out admitted that they'll be watching because they like men in shorts (the other 49% probably lied about THEIR reasons for watching)! Yes, that sounds right too. Just yesterday I received a lovely email from one my buds back home, with piccies of some rather tasty fellas who are playing in this year's World Cup - nice one, Lou! Ta...

For more on this survey, have a look here or here . Don't know how accurate it is though *shrugs*.

Aside from the lovely boys we get to perve over, there IS the sheer excitement of watching a football match! It's a fantastic sport (not as brilliant as cricket of course, but then again, nothing is)...

Anyway that's all from me for now! Hope you're all cool and enjoying all the football!

G'bye for now...


kittykat said...

well, the accuracy of those surveys has to be questioned when it refers to the 'UK Football Team'.


Satyne said...

lmao... now now, you know you welsh, irish, scots and brits are ALL the same to everyone else :P!!

kittykat said...

ill say it again..


Satyne said...

uh huh

Anonymous said...

yep stuffed it up ...sigh lmao will find my response on another subject
