Saturday, August 08, 2009

As of now...

Your ex and You: Don't speak
I am listening to: Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap
Maybe I should: Put on some clothes
I love: Chocolate and dogs
My best friend(s): Annie, Lou, Chevs, Keith, Garth, Joyce, Johanna
I don't understand: People
I have lost my respect for: Tracey-Lee Lucas. That little bitch.
The meaning of my display name is: ... a shortened version of my name (according to my family).
I will always be: round
Love seems to: evade me
I never ever want to lose: weight... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... just kidding!!!
I get annoyed when: things don't go my way
Do you like parties?: yes
Today I: am okay
I wish: for world peace?
Are you neat or sloppy?: A bit of both
What kind of clothes do you like?: Blue ones that fit
Are you mad at someone?: No
What do you do in your spare time: All kinds of stuff
Do you have any medical problems?: Not that I know of
What kind of car do you have/want?: A blue one
Do you like to read? What?: Yes. Books :P
Do you cook?: I hate cooking... a LOT!
Would you do drugs?: No
Have you ever written a song?: Yes
Do you like poetry?: No
Have you written poetry?: Yes (what emo Arts student hasn't?)
Have you dated someone older than you?: Yes
How much older?: Five years

1 comment:

Johanna said...!