Friday, September 05, 2008

I bless the rains down in AAAFRICA!!

Andy Mckee - Africa - Toto -

Howzit? Been a while since I posted, ne?! Sorry okes, I've had no computer for ages... but I'm back now, so hope you folks back home wi'out Facebook are as totally excited about it as I am!

I love this dude's rendition of Africa by Toto. Fantastic.

And since it's one of my karaoke faves, I figured I'd post it on my blog for all to enjoy. Anyway, who can forget that nostalgic Castle Lager ad featuring this song... "All around the world, as South African's home is his Castle"? Makes me feel all teary-eyed just thinking of that ad... sniff.

Maar nou wel, hope youse are all lekker!

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