... since I've gone and fucked things up, just like I always do! And it's been awhile but all that shit seems to disappear when I'm with you!!
Aaaaaah one of my fave karaoke songs!! Awww just one of my fave songs... The title of this post just brought the song to mind!
Okay, so I haven't posted in a while, I been busy man! I have loads of pics... A couple of weeks ago Anna had a housewarming party, but loads of other people have pics of that on their blogs, so I won't add any (check Justine or Johanna's blogs for those). Anyway it's been an interesting couple of weeks... some of our PNG guides came to Japan to perform, which was cool! We took them out drinking and to karaoke! Also had rehearsals in Sanjo, which was also cool. Anyway, here are some pics...
Sanjo Rehearsal Weekend Friday Night with the PNG Guys Saturday Night Can you tell Ashleigh from me?! Fairly easy to tell Johanna apart. Though God knows what she's doing!!
Testing Joel's Stubble Deccy's Director Face Pamela and me (aaaawwwwww)I nicked this one off of Johanna's blog! It's hilarious!! Giving it our all...All of us (again courtesyof Johanna)The morning after - in my crowded aparto Deccy and Pat turning my bra into a catapult and my toy dog into a projectile (childish much?!) Joel and his girlfriend
Last Saturday I, quite unfortunately, won about ten goldfish at one of my visit schools' festivals. The kids dragged me into their classrooms and made me compete. I usually play along because they'd be disappointed if I refuse but I ALWAYS hope I'll lose! Only this time I just kept winning. I ended up with 10 goldfish - it would have been more, only I stopped playing!! So I brought the poor little devils home and, remembering back to my first year and three OTHER goldfish unfortunate enough to be won by me (Jaws 1, 2 and 3 all died within a week), I immediately headed out and bought a tank, fish food and a bubbly thing, as well as some stones and plastic tree things for the bottom! The ungrateful little bastards - 6 of them have already floated belly up to the top of the tank!! SIX!! Can you believe it?! I feel like a mass murderer... what the hell else do they want from me? I gave them a nice home, bought them toys and food and they repay me by DYING?! It was a mini goldfish death fest. Every day I'd come home to find another dead or dying one in the tank. Am hoping the remaining four ganbarre their way through. So far they seem genki and even come swimming to glass whenever I come home from school, they immediately head to the top of the tank and blow bubbles, begging for food. So cute!
I tell you, dogs are a lot less maintenance than frikking goldfish! Give me a doggy any day!
Uh... I am relatively uh... well, I tend to... I kind of like... okay, well, most times I feel... I sometimes... aaah f*ck it... make up your own mind!!